Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bank Raid

As we head towards B-day, it must be increasingly tempting for Brian and his advisers to follow the actions of our cousins on the other side of the Atlantic. No not those cousins, but our South American relatives! When they get in trouble, they just hold-up the banks and help themselves to loads of free dosh. After all Brian and his men have the perfect excuse. He's guaranteeing over 400 billion free of charge. Nobody gets free car insurance, why should they get free deposit insurance? A 1% levy would yield a nice 4 billion. Hmmm...

Brian's men are very worried. Not about us of course, but about themselves. The top civil service bosses are increasingly anxious about the future availability of their neat lump-sums and tidy pensions. Most of them will be collecting this over the next 4 or 5 years. But Brian's ability to act in the real economy is disappearing fast. So it could be time to don the balaclavas and saw off the shot guns. Git down on the floor, before I blow youse your fuckin heads off!

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