Monday, April 13, 2009


Where have all the shoppers gone? I walked around the men's dept. in BT's last Thursday evening and the staff where doing nothing but twiddling their thumbs. They didn't even have to put the shirts back on the rails because there was nobody there to try them on in the first place. Driving into town during the middle of the day on Holy Saturday was like driving in on Easter Sunday morning. There were no cars on the streets. And there were no shoppers in the shops either.

Who the hell does Brian think he's kidding with his Budget? Money's falling everywhere except in the wages of the civil servants and the costs of public services. Imagine 3euro to park for an hour in the center of Dublin? People know that the Budget was a fake, despite its severity.

Its not just Brian who lacks the bottle to tackle 'the problem'; no politican is ready to go near this one. And for the life of me I can't understand why? There is a political vacuum opening up in this country, and sooner or later its going to find expression. Personally I think that point will come (and in the not too distant future either) when the government pay and welfare cheques will start to bounce. It would be far better for us all if some group would get ahead of this event and be there, ready to take control and restore order when it happens. Because one this is sure, all hell is going to break loose at that point. Its a gift horse for any politician but for now all they can do is stare into its face.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Posh and Becks.

I was watching Barrack and Michelle on Sky News getting out of AF1 last week in some European country or other. By the time they were half way down the aircraft steps I had to flick them off the tv. What I saw nearly made me sick; they have become the new Posh and Becks!

This could be funny enough if it wasn't so serious. Right now Barrack Obama has a really unbelievable difficult job to do. I'm not sure he's up to the task, but I won't know until he at least makes a start. But he hasn't started yet and he won't either until he gets rid of Michelle. Now of course I don’t mean get rid of her in that way, but he has to put her back in the box. He has to tell her that celebrity is finished and that it's only proving to be a distraction for him. George Bush was not everybody's cup of tea. But one thing that was absolutely perfect about him was that he had a perfect wife. She was that good at her job that I can hardly even remember her name now. Michelle, I want to completely forget about you too!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bank Raid

As we head towards B-day, it must be increasingly tempting for Brian and his advisers to follow the actions of our cousins on the other side of the Atlantic. No not those cousins, but our South American relatives! When they get in trouble, they just hold-up the banks and help themselves to loads of free dosh. After all Brian and his men have the perfect excuse. He's guaranteeing over 400 billion free of charge. Nobody gets free car insurance, why should they get free deposit insurance? A 1% levy would yield a nice 4 billion. Hmmm...

Brian's men are very worried. Not about us of course, but about themselves. The top civil service bosses are increasingly anxious about the future availability of their neat lump-sums and tidy pensions. Most of them will be collecting this over the next 4 or 5 years. But Brian's ability to act in the real economy is disappearing fast. So it could be time to don the balaclavas and saw off the shot guns. Git down on the floor, before I blow youse your fuckin heads off!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The New Crowd

Bring back the Celtic Tiger quickly! While we all had to put up with all the dreadful people it spawned , its demise has pushed a whole new set into our faces. Fintan O'Toole! He's popping up all over the shop. On Pat Kenny this morning with his taxing on the margins etc etc. Whst the hell does he know? And then there the most annoying voice on the airwaves, Joan Burton. The sound of it shoots me instantly back to my school-days with the screech of finger-nails on the blackboard. But these two are not alone, there are many, many more. God help us all.